Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Yeast Infection Prevention

A woman’s vaginal area is also protected. A woman’s normal body secretions from her vagina are set to an acidic level ranging between 3.5 and 4.2, in order to thwart infection. However, many internal factors can cause that pH level to rise. When that happens, some bacteria and fungi may be able to infect the body.

There is always a certain amount of yeast in a woman’s secretions, but the pH level balances that bacteria. It is, in fact, a good form of bacteria, because it can “eat” other more problematic forms of bacteria. Many antibiotics are meant to rid the body of bacteria, and can indiscriminately attack the good bacteria that the body makes. This will allow the bad bacteria to multiply, whereas an infection becomes apparent.
Certain causes of such a pH level rising can be as simple as stress, illness, lack of sleep, a poor diet that consists more of artificial products instead of natural fruits and vegetables, or certain antibiotics.

If a woman has more than four yeast infections in one year, many doctors will test for more complex problems -- such as HIV or diabetes. Both HIV and diabetes tend to suppress the immune system – thereby lowering the body’s natural pH level – leaving a body more at risk for infection.
Some women may not understand one simple rule when it comes to bathroom cleanliness. This being – wiping properly. If one has never heard that there is a proper way to wipe, then this may be the cause of all of the yeast infections! Bacteria growth near the anus can be transmitted to the vaginal area if a woman wipes from back to front. Depending upon the woman, if you fix the cause, then the infection will clear.

Yeast infections can be treated, but need to be done proficiently. If the medicine just masks the symptoms only, then the infection will grow stronger, and become more problematic than originally thought. For terrific answers on how to Cure Your Yeast Infection within hours using a natural, drug-free method, CLICK HERE.

1 comment:

expert author said...

If treated properly, a yeast infection should last no longer than 7 days MAX.

Yeast Infections affect nearly 75% of all people, including both men AND women, at some point in their life.

They occur when Candida, a natural fungus in the body, overgrows. Candida is normally regulated by Acidophilus (another microoganism living in the body).

When diet and hygienic conditions change, sometimes the Candida will grow out of control. This leads to a yeast infection.

Yeast Infections often show up as localized yeast infections -- as in a vaginal or penile yeast infection.

They can also appear as a digestive tract disorder or skin irritation -- as in Candida Overgrowth yeast infections. I've provided information on how to treat LOCALIZED (vaginal or penile) infections below...

The symptoms (you may not experience all of them):
- white cottage cheese-like discharge
- some odor
- dryness (can cause bleeding)
- digestive problems
- itchiness
- burning urination
- painful intercourse
- a feeling of just not being "normal"

Here are some safe, natural cures you can implement.

Avoid Sugars
Avoid sugars and complex carbs for a week. they "feed" the Candida fungus.

If you're not treating the infection with the Tree Tea Oil solution mentioned below, air out the infected area while you're sleeping at night. Don't wear underwear. Or wear cotton underwear during the day.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Add grapefruit extract to your water during the day (raises acid levels in the body). This will decrease the candida in your body.

Eat probiotics like cottage cheese and yogurt. They will increase the acidophilus in your system and this in turn will fight off the candida yeast.

Shower frequently. Avoid scented soaps and antibacterial soaps. Don't take baths while you have the infection. If you go to the gym, shower immediately when you get home.

Drink lots of water and eat plenty of fiber to flush the infection out of your body. As a yeast infection goes away, the candida albicans release toxins which increase symptoms temporarily. Flushing these toxins out with water will speed your recovery.

Tea Tree Oil
Apply tea tree oil to the infection by applying it to a tampon and keep it inserted overnight. You can also just apply the Tea Tree Oil directly to the irritated area.

For more cures visit: